Đặt câu với từ "rebelled against|rebel against"

1. He rebelled against his puritanical upbringing.

2. He finally rebelled against his strict upbringing.

3. At the beginning of human history, an angel rebelled against God and urged the first human pair to rebel too.

4. The people rebelled against the harsh new government.

5. He later rebelled against his strict religious upbringing.

6. Only against Jehovah do not rebel.”

7. Will you rebel against the king?

8. Most children rebel against school rules.

9. His gut rebelled against the taste of sentient flesh.

10. The workers rebel against their strict supervisor.

11. Most teenagers find something to rebel against.

12. “You men rebelled against my order,” God said to them.

13. The cities could not accept these orders and rebelled against him.

14. He was a rebel rising against the oppressor.

15. The woman was a rebel against feudal ethics.

16. Some young people want to rebel against restraints.

17. Teenagers tend to rebel against people in authority.

18. The flapper rebelled not only against Victorian manners and morality but against the body that went with it.

19. In 1183, the city of Zara (Croatian: Zadar) successfully rebelled against Venetian rule.

20. He excited the people to rebel against the king.

21. 13 “‘“But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness.

22. Everything in me rebelled against this separation on the basis of race.

23. Young people are supposed to rebel against the Establishment.

24. I used to rebel against being told what do.

25. He excited the people to rebel against their rulers.

26. Your kids will automatically rebel against anything you like.

27. * Lucifer rebelled against the Only Begotten Son, D&C 76:25–26.

28. Your father rebelled against King Robert and if he does it again...

29. It is natural for teenagers to rebel against their parents.

30. 6 Young people are supposed to rebel against the Establishment.

31. Why might David have felt tempted to rebel against Saul?

32. Questions: Why did Korah and his supporters rebel against Moses?

33. The colonel led a successful raid against a rebel base.

34. Pirates were the first people to rebel against this world.

35. It would not do to deify a rebel against Rome.

36. 3 Young people are supposed to rebel against the Establishment.

37. Young people are more likely to rebel against old traditions.

38. He was also starting to rebel against the tight security.

39. 16 Sa·marʹi·a will be held guilty,+ for she has rebelled against her God.

40. The Boers rebelled against British rule, proclaiming their independence on 30 December 18

41. 12 The colonel led a successful raid against a rebel base.

42. Agitators were exciting the people to rebel/to rebellion against their rulers.

43. Satan, one of God’s spirit children, rebelled against Heavenly Father and did not accept His plan.

44. Jacob rebelled against his parents' plans for him and left school at the age of

45. They talked about slavery and the right to rebel against the government.

46. 7 God’s triumphal march means disaster for those who rebel against him.

47. It is I, the solitary one, who would rebel against this restless madman.

48. To me it was his broken spirit that expressed itself, and I rebelled against his renunciation.

49. It is I the love-sick self who would rebel against this madman.

50. The people of city rebelled against Cruz's policy, in what would be known as the Vaccine Revolt.

51. We'll give him a set of values there that he can rebel against later.

52. Well, I've found it useful to Befriend other preds, rather than rebel against them

53. It designates a person as morally worthless, an apostate and a rebel against God.

54. Two, the Holy One adjured Israel not to rebel against the nations of the world.

55. Creativity comes from the struggle and courage to confront death and to rebel against it.

56. But the emissary revealed the plot, and persuaded the prince to rebel against his father.

57. Some of these princes were ready to rebel against Porus, and they welcomed Alexander gladly.

58. Siberia was Colonized by the government, which exiled ordinary criminals and those who rebelled against serfdom to that region

59. After the conclusion of the war, the process of pacifying the provinces that had rebelled against Henry II began.

60. By the 90 s, the tendency of the young to rebel against authority had been weakened.

61. The newspaper called for women to rebel against male oppression, but without abandoning the proletariat struggle.

62. The younger generation may rebel against convention but they usually end up by conforming to society.

63. They're trying to impart on them a rigid system of authority that kids naturally rebel against.

64. One of the fallen angels who rebelled against God in Milton's Paradise Belial - definition of Belial by The Free Dictionary.

65. Rather, a man named Sheʹba+ the son of Bichʹri from the mountainous region of Eʹphra·im+ has rebelled* against King David.

66. However, as a whole, Israel rebelled against the Law covenant, rejected the Messianic Seed, and lost out on that prospect.

67. The Greco-Bactrian kingdom appeared in 250 BCE, when the satrap Diodotos (or Theodotus in Latin) rebelled against his Seleucid ruler, Antiochos II, knowing that Antiochus was occupied struggling against the …

68. The historical account in Genesis shows that the first man Adam chose to rebel against God’s law.

69. Only against Jehovah do not rebel; and you, do not you fear the people of the land.”

70. In October 1944 several civilian groups and progressive military factions led by Árbenz and Francisco Arana rebelled against Ubico's repressive policies.

71. The highly regarded Kittel lexicon gives the apostate definition of “rebel.” That is, Apostates rebel against the faith that at one time they claimed they believed.

72. And the brother of Shiblom rebelled against him, and there began to be an exceedingly great war in all the land.

73. The highly regarded Kittel lexicon gives the Apostate definition of “rebel.”[4] That is, Apostates rebel against the faith that at one time they claimed they believed.

74. 3 The demons were at one time angels of Jehovah, but they rebelled against their Creator and thus became the cohorts of Satan.

75. She had wanted to rebel against accepted standards of conduct partly because of the hypocrisy she saw in society.

76. The Thai army under Chao Phraya Chakri was ordered to move against the rebel, who was caught and executed.

77. Contrary to what Paul had written about ‘being in subjection to the superior authorities,’ they openly rebelled against the Roman power that ruled over them.

78. Four of the seven directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society rebelled against the decision to have Brother Rutherford take the lead.

79. According to other sources, however, Probus was killed by disgruntled soldiers, who rebelled against his orders to be employed for civic purposes, like draining marshes.

80. When the Israelites ‘rebelled and made God’s holy spirit feel hurt, Jehovah was changed into an enemy of theirs; he himself warred against them.’